Wednesday, August 15, 2012

22. Muscle Fiber - Striated

muscle fiber - striated – voluntarily controlled muscles made up of long fused cells containing multiple nuclei (the fibers); fibers are packed together in bundles by connective tissue.

The foot contains striated muscle fiber, so I took a picture of my foot.  The muscles in the foot are voluntarily controlled.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 6:15 p.m.
Place: My house

40. Vitamin E - Natural Source

vitamin E - natural source – any of several fat-soluble vitamins consisting of tocopherols, especially alpha tocopherol, that are found chiefly in plant leaves, wheat germ oil, and milk, and that act as antioxidants in the body.

Peanuts contain a significant amount of vitamin E.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 3:48 p.m.
Place: My house

39. Vascular Plant Tissue

vascular plant tissue – vascular plant tissue is composed of xylem and phloem, which function in the transport of water and dissolved substances.

This plant, a fern, is made up of vascular plant tissue (xylem and phloem).  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 3:41 p.m.
Place: My house 

35. Taiga Plant (or relative of one)

taiga plant (or a relative of one) – a plant typical of the very cold taiga biome, though can be found living elsewhere.   Conifers (trees that have cones) are the most common.  Four kinds of conifers are common – spruce, fir, pine, and the tamarack (or larch).

These evergreen trees are examples of taiga plants.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 2:54 p.m.
Place: Beckoning Ridge, neighborhood near my house

34. Stigma and Style of Carpel

stigma and style of carpel – the stigma is the sticky, receptive tip of a carpel, or of several fused carpels.  The stigma receives pollen at pollination.  The style is the tube-like structure that connects the stigma to the ovary.

Flowers have a stigma and style to help with pollination, so I took a picture of this pink flower around my house.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 2:52 p.m.
Place: Beckoning Ridge, neighborhood near my house

26. Phloem

phloem – the living tissue that carries food and organic substances, particularly sucrose, a sugar, to all parts of the plant where needed.

This basil plant contains phloem, which helps to transport substances throughout the plant.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 3:51 p.m. 
Place: My house

21. Lipid Used for Energy Storage

lipid used for energy storage – a fatty or waxy organic compound that is readily soluble in nonpolar solvent but not in polar solvent; generally used for long-term energy storage and becoming structural parts of cells; includes monoglycerides, diglycerides, and triglycerides

This olive oil contains many lipids.  It is not soluble in water, a polar solvent.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 10:52 a.m. 
Place: My house

16. Heartwood

heartwood – the dense, nonliving inner part of a tree trunk which aids in support; generally darker and harder than outer wood.

This tree trunk contains heartwood at its core, which helped the tree stand before it was chopped down.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 10:56 a.m.
Place: My house

9. Carbohydrate - Fibrous

Carbohydrate - fibrous – complex carbohydrates that come mostly from green vegetables and break down slowly; help to move starch through the body

This cucumber contains fibrous carbohydrates, which help the digestive system.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 10:13 a.m. 
Location: My house 

5. Anther and Filament of Stamen

anther & filament of stamen – the stamen is the male reproductive organ of an angiosperm (like a flower) and is comprised of the anther and filament.  The anther is a sac in which pollen is produced and stored.  The filament is a stalk that acts as the support for the anther.  

This flower features an anther and filament.  The white stalks are the filaments, and the darker yellow sacs at the tip of the stalks are the anthers.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 2:51 p.m.
Place: Beckoning Ridge, neighborhood near my house

33. Society Animal Member

society animal member –  an animal that lives with others of the same species and has a specific role in the social network of that species 

This bee is an example of a society animal member because it lives in a nest with many other bees, as opposed to living a solitary life fending for itself.  

Date: 8/12/12
Time: 6:54 p.m. 
Place: My house

31. R-Strategist

r-strategist – an organism which produces large numbers of offspring which require little attention; best suited to environments where conditions change quickly.

This spider is an example of an r-strategist because it lays hundreds of eggs although only a select few will survive.  The spider does not spend time parenting.  

Date: 8/13/12
Time: 7:02 p.m.
Place: My house

29. Protein - fibrous

protein - fibrous – proteins that tend to be insoluble and strong and thus play a structural role in organisms for support or protection

Fingernails are made of a tough protein called keratin, which is an example of a fibrous protein.

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 10:15 a.m.
Place: My house

23. Mutualism Example

mutualism example – bacteria and humans: a certain type of bacteria lives in human intestines.  The human is unable to digest all of the food it eats, so the bacteria eat the food the human cannot digest and partially digest it, which allows the human to finish the job.  The bacteria benefit by getting food, and the human benefits by being able to digest the food it eats.

This picture exemplifies mutualism because the mutualistic relationship between bacteria and humans as described above occurs in the stomach (specifically the intestines).  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 5:01 p.m.
Place: My house

19. K-Strategist

k - strategist – an organism that produces a few young at a time that require care and attention over a long period of time; tend to be large animals with long life spans  

This is Toby, my cousin's dog who we are dog-sitting.  He is an example of a k-strategist because dogs produce a small number of offspring and spend time parenting.  

Date: 8/11/12
Time: 11:46 a.m.
Place: My house

18. Insect - Solitary

insect - solitary –  an insect that lives by itself, unlike social insects

This butterfly that I found on my back deck is an example of a solitary insect because it has very little interaction with others of its species, except for mating.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 11:28 a.m.
Place: My house

12. Connective Tissue

connective tissue – an animal tissue that connects or surrounds other tissues; its cells are embedded in a collagen-containing matrix.

Connective tissue, the most abundant and widespread tissue in the human body, can be found in the human hand.

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 4:27 p.m.
Place: My house

4. Annelid

annelid – an organism of the phylum Annelida, in which the body is divided into segments both externally and internally. The group includes the earthworms, lugworm, ragworm, and leeches.

This picture features a common earthworm, which is an example of an annelid.

Date: 8/11/12
Time: 11:43 a.m.
Place: My house

3. Amylase

amylase – any of a group of enzymes that digest starch

Amylase can be found abundantly in human saliva, therefore I took a picture of my mouth.  

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 3:47 p.m.
Place: My house

2. Amniotic Egg

amniotic egga shelled egg that contains a thin membrane that forms a closed sac about an embryo or fetus of a tetrapod vertebrate (reptile, bird, or mammal).  Allows these animals to complete their life cycles on land.

This chicken's egg is an example of an amniotic egg.  A chicken is an amniote, and its eggs have the membrane mentioned above.  A chicken lays its eggs on land.

Date: 8/15/12
Time: 10:54 a.m. 
Place: My house